Nov 23

Although I don’t consider myself a religious person, I am quite spiritual and do believe in higher beings of love that listen to us when we pray. That’s why before going to sleep at night, after a long day of work, I take a few minutes to connect and show gratitude. I generally begin by thanking God for all the gifts in my life. The health, happiness, safety and longevity of my family, friends and pets come first. Then I pray for all the suffering in the world to end, from abused children and animals to war-torn communities to starving people around the globe. I ask God to please help enlighten the people who use religion as an excuse to hate instead of love, and to rip people apart instead of bringing them together. I also thank my loved ones who have passed, for I believe they have a hand in many of the good things that have come my way. And of course, if anyone I know is sick or in emotional distress or crisis, I say special prayers for them, too.

I’ve repeated this bedtime practice for many years, but I’ll never forget the night, when just after uttering my prayers, something wild and completely unexpected happened—someone answered! It was just a brief few words that I heard—a question actually—but it stunned me nonetheless. In my head, after once again directing my prayers at others, I heard a loving voice say, What about you, Bonnie?

I recall my eyes shooting open wide, wondering where it came from. It wasn’t my roommate, who was the only other occupant of the house, of that I was sure. So was it an angel? A passed loved one? My own evolved spirit? One thing was for sure, I knew it was not coming from my own thoughts. You see, I always thought prayer should be about others and about trying to better the world. I thought it was too selfish to pray for things I may have wanted, since unlike so many others, I had most of the things I needed. So where did this comment come from? There was only one answer that made sense to me. Some higher being was letting me know it was okay to wish for even more abundance.

From then on, I’ve added to my prayers things that would even more greatly enhance my life: a truly fulfilling job; a loving man to share my life with; true contentment and love—all of which have been answered. And when I was laid off from that fulfilling job a few years ago, I had a surprisingly good outlook. Probably because I felt it was God’s little kick in the side that I needed to finally finish the book I’d been writing sporadically for years. I did. In June of this year, Wedlocked: A Novel was finally published and I had no qualms about praying for its success. Amazingly, after four months of hard marketing, it actually hit Amazon’s bestseller lists, and as an added bonus, Wedlocked became an Award-Winning Finalist in its category for USA Book News’ “BEST BOOKS OF 2011”.

So this year, like every year, I’m thankful for all the usual things I cherish. But I’m also grateful that I listened to the little voice that startled me out of my prayers all those years ago. Until then, I had felt unworthy of such a wonderful dream—but now I realize somebody up there doesn’t think so, and just wanted to let me know!

Nov 9

The last few weeks have proved one heck of a wild ride! Having just come off the huge launch of Melissa Foster’s third novel Come Back to Me at WoMen’s Lit Cafe (which included Wedlocked and 34 other great books in a 99cent promotion) I’m exhausted, overwhelmed and thrilled with the results! We launched on Nov. 1, and Wedlocked quickly ascended the ranks at Amazon, astonishing and delighting me (not to mention my husband!) with incredible sales figures. When the promotion ended on Nov. 3, I expected my numbers to return to “normal” but they didn’t. Instead, they continued to steadily climb and by Saturday night, Nov. 5, Wedlocked was a bonafide bestseller, reaching #43 on the top 100 bestsellers in literary fiction at Amazon. It even made it onto the charts of the top 100 in all literature.

Needless to say, my head has been reeling ever since. The main thought that goes through an author’s mind at a time like this is: What exactly is making this happen? This past week I had the distinct honor of becoming an Award-Winning Finalist in USA Book News’ “BEST BOOKS OF 2011.” That probably helped. And for the last several weeks, I’ve been a rabid Facebook poster, a Twittering madwoman, an assiduous website hound and much more. I’m sure a good deal of this busywork also played a part in helping to boost me, but I know there was one crucial, unmistakable thing responsible for making my dream come true. It was my fortuitous association with this group of WoMen’s Lit Cafe authors and our relentless cross promotion that catapulted Wedlocked into the stratosphere.

It is truly amazing what a team of diligent authors working together can accomplish. Our immense support for each other’s books, and more importantly for EACH OTHER made all the difference. I not only found a professional network, I unexpectedly found a supportive and generous literary family whom I welcomed with open arms. I truly believe it is this give and take among authors that is becoming the model for success in the indie literary world. It brought out my most selfless self, and along the way, I found my greatest success.